Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Top 10 - greatest people ever

We are all people, and we don't think it's fair to say, but some of us are better than others. Here are the ten best people of all time!

Nelson Mandela
fought for the rights of black people in South-Africa and is admired worldwide.

Mahatma Ghandi
peaceful activist for equality worldwide, murdered by someone he tried to help, certainly the most useless and unfortunate murder of the twentieth century.

John D. Rockefeller
nobody knew the economic world like he did, as the wealthiest person of all time he earned a place in this list.

Sergey Brin & Larry Page
The founders of Google made the Internet clear and accessible for everyone, made an ultimate world map, build the best smartphones (although some might not find that), and will bring out glasses like in spy movies,  but in real life!

Steve Jobs & Bill Gates
the great computer pioneers, one brought out the first GUI, the other made it more accessible to everyone by bringing out a cheaper one. of course Macintosh was first, but Microsoft already existed back then, and Bill Gates was already on his way to be as well the richest as the most generous person in the world.

Genghis Khan
the greatest leader of all time. built up the Mongolian empire all way from Mongolia to Korea, India and Poland all by himself. (of course with an army, but you know what I mean...) after his death it shrunk all way to what's now Mongolia

the greatest scientist of all time: first to discover that the world was round; genius in math; started what';s now known as chemistry; great physicist; good biologist; legendary philosopher. he was like DaVinci, but better and more than a thousand year earlier.

What is the worst class in school? Math! But wherever you look, there's math, as a matter of fact, you're using it right now, because the binary system (the 0 and 1 stuff) is math too! without maths all other sciences wouldn't exist, buildings couldn't be built properly, and the worst

Just like the one before this one, we don't know who and when, but that fire was discovered a long time ago, is sure, and that it's important too!

We don't know who the greatest person of all time is, isn't that unfortunate? All we know is that this person invented the wheel. and as you know, without the wheel we'd be nowhere

June: tallest buildings

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